It sat and watched. Barked once more. Then, it flew away, somewhere deeper into the stand. I saw it land on another branch but couldn’t see the silhouette any longer. The morning light was still too new, too dim, too low on the horizon. Bark.
Inviting Hope Home: The Pond
As the New Year often inspires us to consider what we can do differently this year than last, I wonder if you have it in you to reconsider your outdoor space. As you will see from my shared experience, this has been a process, one that started over a decade ago. I have worked at my own pace. I have had months where my yard was the last thing on my to-do list. I can assure you that this experience did NOT take over my life and it shouldn’t take over yours. But in so many regards, it has enriched my life and has taught me the incredible resilience of nature, which brings me hope.
Forbidden Love
Have You Ever Seen Vultures Snuggle?
A Night in the Life
At the end of one of the videos, we see him glide toward a large tree, drifting down at first then kind of curving up to grasp the bark, holding tight, not on the perch of a horizontal branch but on the vertical plane of the trunk. We could see his eyes illuminated by the camera. And then we saw the second set of eyes. The squirrel was not alone!