
A Night in the Life

A Night in the Life

At the end of one of the videos, we see him glide toward a large tree, drifting down at first then kind of curving up to grasp the bark, holding tight, not on the perch of a horizontal branch but on the vertical plane of the trunk. We could see his eyes illuminated by the camera. And then we saw the second set of eyes. The squirrel was not alone!

That is Not a Flying Squirrel

That is Not a Flying Squirrel

I used my cell phone to text my son who was upstairs playing video games. “Come quick. It’s staring at me!” That’s enough to get a 13-year-old to drop his game controller. “And bring my binoculars.”

My binoculars found their mark and then the truth was clear, “That’s not a flying squirrel!”