The Wonder of Parks

Americans tend to flock to Europe for the history and architecture or to the Caribbean for the sand and sun but what about our own country? Do we not have anything of value to add to a vacation bucket list? Oh, that we do. The gorgeous landscapes and geology of the United States have always fascinated me and that is why it is a goal of mine to visit all 63 national parks (not including the 366 national seashores, battlegrounds and forests). I’ve been to 25 national parks so far in my 26 years of life. Not too bad, right? 

I want to share with you a special moment I had that may encourage you to visit a few National Parks yourself, especially the less popular ones. In June of 2024, I ventured to South and North Dakota with my mother and my partner to check three National Parks off my list: Wind Cave, Badlands and Theodore Roosevelt

Our first stop was Wind Cave, just an hour outside of Rapid City, SD. Unfortunately, the actual caves (which is the main attraction of the park) were closed due to maintenance of the underground elevator so we spent our day exploring some of the many surface trails of the park. 

While we were bummed about not being able to go into the caves, we were excited to see some wildlife and we all love to hike. Boy, did we see wildlife! That day we spotted birds, bison, prairie dogs,  a coyote, and mule deer.  But one moment from that day was especially memorable for me. 

We chose a few shorter hiking trails so we could get a feel for different parts of the park. That day we hiked the Rankin Ridge (a 1 mile loop to the highest point in the park) and the Wind Cave Canyon (a 1.8 mile trail that leads to limestone cliffs). 

Almost immediately I felt a slight unease at how few people we saw (which is more common at lesser visited parks). While less human interaction means immersing yourself in nature, if something bad were to happen…well that’s what I was trying not to think about. But we were prepared and together, so we ventured on. Soon after our hike started, we spotted 3 bison just about 50 yards away. Fun Tip: if you extend your arm and do a “thumbs up” at the bison, and your thumb doesn’t cover it up fully, then you’re too close. Slowly back away. Based on this rule, we were okay but maybe a little too close for my comfort. Bison are such beautiful creatures but there’s no way to know what they are thinking. Just as I was contemplating: “Do they know we’re friendly and not a threat?”, we spotted a coyote! The coyote looked at us and looked at the bison and decided to keep to himself. While this was happening prairie dogs would peek out from their tunnels in the fields! We were silent, wanting to take in what we were seeing. Three different species of wildlife, all unique in their own way, living and breathing together, and we were witness to it.

This experience at Wind Cave National Park is one that I will cherish forever. It increased my appreciation of our National Parks system and the value in protected lands. That day, I was a visitor. Those animals let me into their precious world. I’ve always been someone who values nature and wildlife and I believe everyone deserves moments like these; to appreciate the natural world around us. 

What’s next on my National Parks bucket list? A 2025 family trip to St. John, USVI to visit the US Virgin Islands National Park! 

A trail sign with one of the 7 principals of Leave No Trace: “Please take nothing but pictures, leave nothing but footprints.”

Whether visiting city or county parks, state parks or our national treasures, the 7 Leave No Trace principals are necessary for the protection of humans and wildlife alike. 

1) Plan Ahead and Prepare: know the regulations of the place you are visiting; travel in small groups. Check and prepare for the local weather.

2) Travel and Camp on Durable Surfaces: stay on trails; good campsites are found, not made. 

3) Dispose of Waste Properly: Pack out all trash, leftover food and litter. Deposit solid human waste in catholes dug 6-8 inches deep, at least 200 feet from water. 

4) Leave What You Find: Preserve the past - observe but do not touch cultural or historic structures and artifacts. Leave rocks, plants and other natural objects as you find them. (I love rocks so this one is hard for me!)

5) Minimize Campfire Impacts: Campfires can cause lasting impacts on the environment. Know best practices.

6) Respect Wildlife: Observe wildlife from a distance. Do not approach or follow. Control pets at all times, or leave them at home. Never feed wild animals. Avoid wildlife at sensitive times: mating, nesting, raising young, winter.

7) Be Considerate of Others: Respect others and protect their quality of experience. Yield to others on the trail. Let nature’s sounds prevail, avoid loud noises and voices. 

Happy Trails in 2025!